Keep Your Feet A-Smokin'
  (Big Mac 39)   Mac McCullar
one column


All four ladies chain straight across the great big set
Chain 'em right back home, turn the pretty little girl, you bet
Put the ladies center back to back, men promenade you go
Once around to the same girl, let's do a dopaso
Partner left, corner by the right, partner left and then
Hang on tight, roll promenade, take your time my friend
Promenade the ring, get back home and swing
And keep your dancing feet a smokin'

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Head (side) two couples promenade half way around you know
2 & 4 (1 & 3) do a right & left thru (backaway), come on gang let's go
Heads (sides) square thru in the middle, you go all the way around, don't jive
Dosado that outside two, eight chain five
Just keep your dancing feet a smokin'
Allemande left, come back one, promenade you know
Honey you know this time I ain't jokin'
Just keep your big old (petite, small, little, dainty) feet a smokin

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