Is It True What They Say About Dixie
Al Jolson; Jimmy Dorsey; Dean Martin; others 1936
  (Big Mac 127)   Mac McCullar
one column


All 8 teacup stroll
Is it true what they say about Dixie
Does the sun really shine all the time
Do the sweet magnolias blossom round everybody's door
Do the folks keep eating possum...

Heads ladies center teacup chain
Is it true what they say about Suwannee
Is a dream by the stream so sublime
Do they laugh and do they sing, square dance and everything
If it's true that's where I belong

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

The heads (sides) promenade go halfway
Walk into the middle and square thru go 4
Four hands and then, let's do the right & left thru
Pass thru and trade by and touch 1/4 do
Scoot back and then, scoot back again
Swing your corner girl, promenade
Do they laugh, do they sing, square dance and everything
If it's true, that's where I belong

MIDDLE BREAK    Mainstream

Allemande left with your corner, let's do a little dosado
Four men star by the left once you go
Star promenade your partner, go walking with your men
All four ladies backtrack twice around and then
Turn thru with your partner, to the corner allemande
Come on back and promenade her home
Do they laugh, do they love like they say in every song
If it's true, that's where I belong


If it's true, that's where I belong

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