Bob's Square Thru Progression
  (Folkraft 1288)   Bob Brundage
one column


Everybody promenade
Pick up two more, promenade four
Bend the line, and ladies chain
Bow to your partners

(Introduction. Last 8 counts of Music B1)

Allemande left


Go once around and a little bit more, two men in the middle and balance four
Balance, men allemande right, once around and the ladies chain


Turn that girl and chain right back
Across the set, left square thru


With a one, two, one two three, one, two, one two three
One, two, one two three, pull on by and allemande left


Folkraft record number 1288 is the third in a series of American Progressive Grand Circle dances. This one is distinguished by the unusual rhythmic pattern of the "Square Thru" progression. The music B2, accurately fits the step pattern.

Proceed to do the "square thru" as usual, giving left hand to the opposite. Take two steps to get to your opposite, and in place three tiny steps in this rhythm. Slow, slow, quick, quick, quick. This is the step used all around the square thru movement, which is followed by "pull on by to an allemande left", which gives you a new partner.

The basic "step, step, one, two, three" is sometimes called the "cha-cha" step, in which case you might introduce it as "step, step, and a cha-cha-cha". It's lots of fun.

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