You Gotta Love That
  (Cardinal 35)   Don Cook
one column

OPENER    Basic

Circle left
Fresh off the farm just out of school
Face of an angel, nobody's fool

Boys star right in the middle, roll it around and then
Pick up your partner, star promenade
Girls roll back, left allemande
Swing your own, promenade
She's taken a vow, she ain't lookin' back
She knows what she wants and you gotta love that

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

Heads promenade half way around
Walk in and square thru four hands around
Four hands around the ring, right and left thru
Veer to the left, ferris wheel around you do
Zoom right out of there, double pass thru
Leaders partner trade, swing and promenade
She's taken a vow, she ain't lookin' back
She knows what she wants and you gotta love that


Four ladies chain, turn 'em by the left and go
Roll away, circle left, go walkin' around you know
Four ladies roll away, circle left again
Allemande left with the corner, weave that ring
She rolled into town, her dreams in a sack
Swing the girl, promenade her like that
She's taken a vow, she ain't lookin' back
She knows what she wants and you gotta love that


Four ladies chain, chain 'em right back
She knows what she wants and you gotta love that

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