Guitar Rag
  (Red Boot 325)   Phil Kozlowski
one column

Walk around corner, turn partner left
Head ladies center teacup chain
Partner left to allemande thar
Slip the clutch, allemande left
All 8 spin the top, wrong way grand
Partner right pull by, allemande left, allemande thar
Remake the thar, girls run, promenade
Heads wheel around, right & left thru
Square thru 2, dixie grand
Allemande left, you're home

Sides promenade half, heads right & left thru
Pass the ocean, ping pong circulate, extend
Spin chain the gears, relay the deucey
Spin chain & exchange the gears, linear cycle
Load the boat, single circle to a wave
Boys trade, girls fold, peel the top
Right & left thru, pass the ocean, explode the wave
Chase right, scoot back, follow your neighbor
Trade the wave, swing thru, boys run
Half tag, trade & roll, right & left thru
Step to a wave, girls trade, recycle, veer left
Ferris wheel & spread, star thru
Double pass thru, track two
Explode and touch 1/4, triple scoot
Single file circulate, coordinate
Girls hinge, diamond circulate, flip the diamond
Swing thru, boys run, cross fire
Trade & roll, grand swing thru, boys run
Half tag, trade & roll, star thru, veer left
3/4 tag the line, girls trade, extend
Boys run, pass thru, wheel & deal
Zoom, pass the ocean, explode the wave
Allemande left, promenade home

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Cue sheet: