Saving Your Kisses
  (Blue Ribbon 227)   Jerry Bradley
one column


Four ladies promenade that ring go
Come on back and swing with your man
You join hands and circle, you circle left
Men star by the right and roll it one time you go
Left allemande that corner, come back curlique
Boy run right, left allemande and weave the ring you know
Why are you savin' those kisses
Dosado and promenade
Tell me, why are you savin' those kisses baby?
You're saving them for me

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Heads square thru get me 4 now
Meet the sides, make a right hand star
Heads star left turn it one full turn
Same two a dosado it's full around you go
Swing thru and then the boy run right
Wheel & deal again, go right & left thru
You'll dive thru and square thru go 3 hands
Swing that corner, promenade
Tell me, why are you savin' those kisses baby?
You're saving them for me


You save 'em all for me

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