Don't Get Around Much Anymore
  (Red Boot 3076)   Mike Hoose
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 2

Four ladies chain across the ring
You rollaway and circle left
Four ladies rollaway again
Left allemande and weave the ring
*Missed the Saturday dance
Swing that girl and promenade
**I couldn't bear it without you
Don't get around much anymore

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

The heads square thru four hands you go
You meet the sides and do a dosado
Swing thru and then spin the top now
Boys move up and do the right & left thru
Rollaway a half-sashay, box the gnat
Slide thru and the corner swing - promenade
Awfully different without you
Don't get around much anymore


*Been invited on dates
Could have gone but what for

*Thought I'd visit the club
Got as far as the door

**Awfully different without you


Don't get around much anymore

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