Slaunch To Donegal
Bing Crosby 1942
  (Blue Star 1551)   Manning & Nita Smith
one column


Allemande left your corner gal, go home and swing you do
Swing your honey and slaunchwise* to the left go right & left through
Turn your gal and pause a little - right & left straight across
Right & left thru and take your time, then two ladies chain
Chain those gals across the set, and then you chain 'em back
Jig a little as you turn your gal, and star by the right hand, Mack
Star by the right go once around, come back by the old left hand
Star by the left and get back home, and your corner's allemande

*Slaunchwise is done by couples facing couples in a straight line or in two circles around the hall, one couple facing wall, other couple facing center of hall. Turn your corner with a left hand round, then swing your partner, face couple to the left of you in opposite line or circle, do a right & left thru with this couple, (if done from two lines this will leave end couple in each line without anything to do for 8 beats of music, if done in a circle then everyone works), then do a right & left thru straight across with the couple facing you, chain the ladies across and back, then star with this couple in a right hand star, then back with a left hand star, then start over with the allemande left, etc. Couples will move up and down the lines or around the circle as dance progresses.

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Cue sheet: