Yes! We Have No Bananas / Country Style
Eddie Cantor 1923
  (MacGregor 7555 side A)   
one column


Bow to your partner, swing your corner
Go back and swing your honey round and round
Allemande left with a hey, hey, hey
Go right & left, a 1/2 sashay
Resashay*, go all the way around
4 gents star right, opposites box the flea
Take your right hand lady, you'll promenade with me
Singing, yes! we have no bananas
We have no bananas today


Bow to your partner, swing your corner
Go back and swing your honey round and round
1 & 3 lead to the right, you'll circle halfway there
Dive thru, pass thru, form two right hand stars
Back by the left, a left hand star
Heads lead out, single file, gents reach back, pull 'em thru**
Now promenade a mile
Singing, yes! we have no bananas
We have no bananas today

*Resashay: passing right shoulders back to back, the gents walk around their partners a full turn and a half.

**The head lady lead the others single file toward her home position;
The gents reach back over their right shoulders with their right hands. Pulling their corner ladies forward, they place her on their right and promenade all around the ring to the home positions.

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