Saturday Night Flight
  (Thunderbird 187)   Bob Bennett
one column


Four ladies promenade all the way round you go
Turn your partner once and a half, and to the corners go
Allemande your corner, come back do a dosado
Left allemande once again, then weave round the ring
*Say Mr. Guitar Man, play me a song
Dosado then promenade and walk 'em right along
**Promenade around, take her home tonight
I'll be doing alright on my Saturday Night Flight


*You're a good looking woman, I'm crazy about you

**I'll make a five cent deposit on a ten cent romance


Head couples square thru 4 hands round and then
Dosado your corners and step to an ocean wave
Swing thru, go two by two, boys run to the right
Ferris crossfire and wheel, babe you aren't through
Walk & dodge, corner swing, swing your corner Sue
Allemande left new corners and promenade you do
**Promenade around, take her home tonight
I'll be doing alright on my Saturday Night Flight

FIGURE (ALTERNATE)    C4, corner progression

Head couples promenade halfway round the square
Come down the middle do a curlique, boys run right in there
Right & left thru and then, turn your girl my friend
Pass thru, trade by, corner lady swing
Allemande left new corner, then dosado
**Promenade around, take her home tonight
I'll be doing alright on my Saturday Night Flight


Allemande your corner, come back and swing her tight
I'll be doing alright on my Saturday Night Flight

(Note: Ferris Crossfire & Wheel: From parallel two-faced lines, those facing out do their part of a wheel & deal, those facing in step up to a two faced line, crossfire (ends cross fold as centers trade and step ahead) and end with columns of two between facing couples.)

Data page:
Cue sheet: