You Light Up My Life
  (Windsor 5080)   Larry Jack
one column

OPENER    Basic

Circle left
So many nights I've sat by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me her song

Walk around corner, see saw around your own
Left allemande corner, weave the ring you go
You light up my life
Dosado and promenade
You light up my day and filled my nights...with love

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

The heads (sides) promenade half around you go
Down the middle right & left thru you turn 'em round you know (backaway)
Sides (heads) square thru four hands around you go
With those heads (sides) right hand star once around you know
Heads (sides) star left once around that set
Swing corner, promenade
You light up my day and filled my nights...with love


You light up my life...

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