Home Sweet Home
John Yorke AtLee; Bing Crosby; many others 1823
  (Lightning S 505)   Marvin Shilling
one column

OPENER    Basic

Allemande left and allemande thar go right & left and form a star
All four gents gonna make a back up star
Shoot that star and here we go, right & left and dopaso
It's partner left and corner by the right
Partner left, go all the way round, right hand lady right & left grand
Go right & left until you meet your own
Then promenade her home and you keep her for your own
Now swing her in your home sweet home


Head two couples right & left thru and turn your girls around
All four ladies chain now turn 'em you do
Heads cross your corners*, sides frontier whirl
Allemande left and a grand old right & left
When you meet your lady why you'll do a dosado
Swing that corner lady and you swing her high and low
Allemande left and allemande thar, go right & left and star
All 4 men gonna make a back up star
Shoot that star a full turn round, men star right across
Allemande left a grand right 8 around and don't get lost
You'll meet a brand new lady and you promenade her home
And keep her in your home sweet home

(*Cross Your Corners: Active couples separate from partners, walk behind and
past your corner and stop in back of the next person. You will end up man
behind a man and lady behind a lady.)

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=7289
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=7289
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=4241