Dancin' To A Good Ol' Country Song
  (Desert 62)   Hal Dodson
one column


4 ladies promenade one time inside the ring
You get back home and swing your man around
All join hands and circle to the left around the set
Allemande left with the corner lady, weave that ring
Wind in and out around you go and when you meet your own
You swing and whirl with the girl and promenade
Ain't it fun when you're dancin' to a good ol' country song

FIGURE (twice heads, twice sides)    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads promenade outside halfway around you go
Walk into the middle and square thru go 4
4 hands around and then a right & left thru, turn the girl
You pass thru, trade by, and now swing thru
Then the boys trade and turn thru and you go left allemande
You swing and whirl with the corner and you promenade
Ain't it fun when you're dancin' to a good ol' country song


Ain't it fun when you're dancin' to a good ol' country song

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=715
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=715