Music Box Dancer
  (4-Bar-B 6070)   Mike Sikorsky
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
(32 beats of music)
Circle left
Men star right
Allemande left
Right & left grand
Men star left
Star promenade home

FIGURE    Plus, no progression

Four ladies chain
Chain back
Head ladies center with a teacup chain
(32 beats of music)
Allemande left
All 8 spin the top
Spin it again
Right & left grand
Men star left
Star promenade home

FIGURE    Mainstream, no progression

Four ladies chain
Chain back
Sides face, grand square
(32 beats of music)

FIGURE    Basic, R-H lady progression

Circle left
Men star right
Allemande left
Right & left grand
Men star left
Star promenade home

FIGURE    Plus, no progression

Allemande left
All 8 spin the top
Spin it again
Right & left grand
Men star left
Star promenade home

CLOSER    Basic

Ladies center back-to-back
Men promenade
Bow to the partner
(music fade)

(Timing will vary depending on floor texture, dancer ability, speed of record, etc. Record may have to be slowed slightly.)

Data page:
Cue sheet: