One Has Your Heart
  (Lore 1043)   Bob Augustin
one column


Join hands and make a ring, circle to the left you know
Well allemande left your corner, your own you dosado
The men star by the left now, go once around that town
Star promenade your lady, go walkin' round and round
The men back out a full turn, 4 ladies chain you know
Turn the girls, and chain them back, and then you promeno
You're walkin' with your baby, but tell me whose to blame
For one has your heart, but another has your name

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

1st and 3rd go right & left thru and turn your pretty Sue
Same little ladies dixie style to an ocean wave you do
Rock forward up and back now, pass thru, circle 4
Head gents break, make a line, go up and back once more
Do a right & left thru across the set, then cross trail you know
Swing the corner lady, and then let's promeno
Promenade around the ring now, but tell her just the same
That one has your heart, another has your name

In the FIGURE, the PASS THRU should technically be a STEP THRU (or a LEFT PASS THRU).

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