Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You
Dean Martin; Frank Sinatra 1964
  (Scope 559)   Jeanne Moody
one column

(Dance goes through 4 times, twice for the heads, twice for the sides.)


Heads square thru 4 hands and then
Now with the sides dosado
Spin chain thru, go walkin' cross that floor
Girls circulate and star thru, California twirl
Do a 1/2 square thru, everybody California twirl and then
Swing the corner
Swing this girl and then, left allemande
Well you promenade your honey
Now you don't slow down
*Back out and circle, you circle to the left
Left allemande, let's do a daisy chain
Go forward two right & left, turn back one
Go forward two again
Turn back 3, go left, go right
Left allemande, dosado and promenade
You're nobody till somebody loves you


*Back out and circle, you circle to the left
Left allemande, turn partner by the right
Gents star left, go one time and then
Star promenade my friend
Girls turn back, go twice around that track
Second time you meet, dosado and promenade
You're nobody till somebody loves you

Contains a "blended" movement: Circulate (RH Waves) followed by Star Thru.

Data page:
Cue sheet: