Look On The Good Side
  (Old Timer 8148)   Johnny Schultz
one column


Your corners dosado
Now swing with your partner
You promenade now with that man
The 4 little ladies backtrack
Now don't you ask me why
Same little girl you box the gnat
Then pull her right on by
Let's do a left allemande
And a grand right & left
Now meet your little honey, swing a few
And if you promenade, and look on the good side
He'll stop at home and swing you


Head couples forward and back
Now do a right & left thru
Now you pass thru, around
just one
you do
Come in the middle and box the gnat
Into a right hand star
Now look out man, you reverse back
Your corners not too far
You turn your corners right
Your partner left hand swing
Now take your corner lady, promenade
You're going to take her home and
Swing on the good side
And cut out watchin' for the bad


Remember to look on the good side of everything friends
And the little bad things you'll never notice

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=6724
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=6724