Travelin' Shoes
  (Top 25114)   Wally Schultz
one column


Allemande that corner girl, dosado your own
Promenade around the ring and don't you roam
Heads wheel around, star thru and eight chain 4
When you meet that girl you adore, star thru, go up and back
Cross trail thru, left allemande
Come back and promenade
*Let's promenade the route, but don't give out
Old travelin' shoes

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

Heads square thru 4 hands around that ring
You dosado that outside one, that pretty little thing
Swing star thru, California twirl
Two ladies chain, chain across the world
Star thru and corner swing, you swing and you whirl
You promenade around that ring with that pretty little girl
*You promenade in time, and watch 'em shine
Old travelin' shoes


*Promenade and lose those homeless blues
In your travelin' shoes

*You'll promenade in style for a little while
In those travelin' shoes


In the travelin' shoes

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