Mr. Sandman
The Chordettes 1954
  (Big Mac 107)   Ron Mineau
one column


Circle left
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Make her the cutest that I've ever seen

Walk around your corner girl and see saw your own
Men star right and roll it round you go now
Left allemande, come home and you swing
Swing your lady, promenade the ring
Please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman bring me a dream

FIGURE    Plus, corner progression

Head couples promenade halfway you go
Walk in and pass the ocean, ping pong circulate
Extend, swing thru and then
Boys run right and ferris wheel my friend
Zoom and then square thru 3/4 round
Swing your corner and promenade her on down
Please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman bring me a dream

FIGURE (ALTERNATE)    Basic - SSD Week 8, corner progression

Heads (sides) square thru 4 hands you know
And around that corner lady dosado and go
Swing thru, boys you trade
Boys run right and now bend the line go in and back and
Square thru 3 hands and now
Swing the corner lady, promenade somehow
Please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman bring me a dream

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