Sing It With Me
  (Top 25205)   Jim Bauer
one column


4 little ladies chain, you turn the girls again
You chain the ladies back home and then
Join hands make a ring, a happy, happy ring
Allemande your corner, you weave the ring
When you smile you turn on that ray of sunshine
You dosado, promenade her, too
So fill my life with a song, a happy, happy song
And let the whole world sing it with me

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Head two pass thru, promenade left go two by two
Halfway around now, come in and then square thru
4 hands around you do, go to that corner Sue
You dosado, now rock in and back, swing thru
The men run around the girl, you wheel & deal and then
Swing a little corner lady, promenade
Just fill my life with a song, a happy, happy song
And let the whole world sing it with me


The heads promenade go walking halfway with your maid
Come down the center, pass thru and then
Promenade left go two by two, sides wheel in behind
You promenade them go walking round the ring
Heads roll back and separate behind, then promenade
Men roll back and promenade you do
So fill my life with a song, a happy, happy song
And let the whole world sing it with me

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