Round And Round
Perry Como 1956
  (Top 25200)   Dick Leger
one column

FIGURE (four times through)    Basic, corner progression

Form a ring, and circle left around
All the way around until you get back home, when you're
Home, your corner, dosado
See saw, go walking round your own
4 ladies chain across the ring you go
With a brand new corner lady dosado
Left hand your own twice around
Two times, like an allemande thar
Gents wheel in and make the star, but not too far
Shoot the star, check in and weave that old ring
In and out until you meet that brand new lady fair
Dosado, and promenade her home
If there's time you're going to swing

That's all there is to the cue sheet. Just do the figure 4 times!

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Cue sheet: