Last Of The Silver Screen Cowboys
Rex Allen, Jr. 1982
  (Global Music 106)   Doug Bennett
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
The last of the silver screen cowboys
The last of a fast dying breed
With cattle a grazin' and six-guns a blazin'
Lord, this is what America still needs

All four ladies chain across the ring now
You chain the ladies home and promenade
Don't push him around 'cause more than one villain's found
He don't back down from a fight

FIGURE (1,2)    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads promenade go half way
Sides go right & left thru
Square thru and go four hands around you know
Dosado and do an eight chain four
Roy and Trigger we love you (Jean Lash and Racks were our heroes)
Swing and promenade her my friend
I wish we could turn back the pages
And ride those old trails once again

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
The last of the silver screen cowboys
They settled the score with the fists
They love little babies, treat woman like ladies
But it's only a horse that they kissed

All four ladies chain across the ring now
You chain the ladies home and promenade
Six-guns were quicker, cause we don't drink liquor,
Two glasses of buttermilk will do.

FIGURE (3,4)    Mainstream, corner progression

Sides promenade go half way
Heads go right & left thru
Square thru and go four hands around you know
Dosado and do an eight chain four
Puppy and Tupper we love you (Lone ranger and Tupper were heroes)
Swing and promenade her my friend
I wish we could turn back the pages
And ride those old trails once again

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Four ladies promenade the ring now,
Come back and swing that cowboy man,
Join hands and circle to the left now
Allemande left that corner, weave the ring
Wind it in and out and when you meet
Swing your man and promenade him home
But memories don't die, you're still ridin' high,
The last of the silver screen cowboys


The last of the silver screen cowboys

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