If You Just Win One Time
  (Thunderbird 226)   Bob Shiver
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
If you're gonna play the game of love
You have to be prepared to lose sometimes
To gamble for the highest stakes
You take a chance with body, soul, and mind

Circle left
You run the risk of loneliness
When you put your heart upon the line

Left allemande and promenade
Sometimes your love will rise and fall
But you'll find it's worth it all
If you just win one time

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

Head couples promenade halfway around the ring and then
Square thru 4 hands around you go and do the right & left thru you know
Turn the girl, veer left, and you ferris wheel and then
Center 4 go right & left thru, turn the girl
Veer to the left, veer to the right, swing the corner
Promenade tonight
Sometimes your love will rise and fall
But you'll find it's worth it all
If you just win one time

MIDDLE BREAK    Mainstream

Well, you gonna walk around that corner girl
See saw your own, the men star right
Allemande left with the corner there
Turn the partner right, the men star left
Turn thru at home and then you go left allemande
Come back and swing and promenade around that ring
When you know true love's at stake
It's more than worth the chance you'll take
If you just win one time


Swing her boys
If you just win one time

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=6147
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=6147