Don't Worry 'Bout The Mule
Glenn Barber; Roy Acuff; Carl Smith 1968
  (MacGregor 2098)   Mike Hull
one column


Do an allemande left like an allemande thar
Go right and left and form a star
The men swing in and form a star
Shoot that star to the heavens whirl
Go right and left to the second girl
Meet your partner, weave the ring from where you are
Don't worry 'bout the mule, load the wagon
Dosado and then go promenadin'
You think I'm gonna cry, your feet are draggin'
Don't mind the mule, load the wagon

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

Four little ladies chain across
Turn a little girl and don't get lost
1 & 3 (2 & 4) do a right & left thru and then
2 & 4 (1 & 3) cross trail thru
A round one to a line, you do
Waddle up to the middle and back
And square the barge
Don't worry 'bout the mule, load the wagon
Swing the corner girl, go promenading
You promenade that ring, and get on home and sing
Don't mind the mule, load the wagon

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Cue sheet: