Oh By Jingo
The All Star Trio; Margaret Young; Chet Atkins; Spike Jones; many others 1919
  (Old Timer 8152)   Bill Castner
one column

OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER    Basic, unknown progression

Allemande left and allemande thar
Go right and left and you make a star
Yah, yah, yaddy, yaddy, yah, yah
(Dancers answer: "Oompa, oompa, oompa, oompa")

Let that star to the heavens whirl
Go right & left to the second little girl
Yah, yah, yaddy, yaddy, yah, yah
(Dancers answer: "Oompa, oompa, oompa, oompa")

Shoot that star to your "by Jingo"
Promenade when you hear my lingo
And every night we'll swing in the pale moonlight


4 gents center and make a left hand star
Go once around turn your partners where they are
Allemande left with the corner maid
Come right back and promenade
Promenade your "oh by golly"
We'll put her in the Follies

Swing with your "oh by Jingo" now


Side 2 couples right & left thru (backaway), that's fine
Heads lead right and circle to a line
Pass thru across the world, arch in the middle
Do a dixie twirl*
Dixie wheel** 'em right on back
Go once and a 1/2 in the middle of the track
Lady go left and the gent go right and then allemande left
Then promenade the land
Gents roll back to the corner girl
Now you're home, just swing and whirl
Swing with your "oh by Jingo" now

*A Dixie Twirl is done from any even-numbered line of 4 or more people. It resembles a California Twirl if done by couples. In this dance the line of 4 is facing out and all join hands. The center couple makes an arch in the middle (inside gent and inside lady) and while the left hand couple walks forward and around, the right hand couple (with the outside lady in the lead) ducks under the arch and pulls the line straight to face back into the ring facing the opposite line.

**A Dixie Wheel is done by any two couples facing one another. In this dance, couples (which are "out of order") in two lines of 4 facing one another. Each lady is going to do a Dixie Chain but adds a full turn and 1/2 in the center before the finish of her Dixie Chain. Each lady gives her right hands to the opposite, lady goes once and a 1/2 around to the opposite man and giving him her left hand pulls him by and continues to face out and wait for the next call. Each man being pulled into the center gives a right hand to the man coming toward him and each pulls the other by to end up behind the lady he was following. Lady then turns left, man right ready for the left allemande with original corners.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=5889
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=5889
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=3362