Living On Love Street
  (Wagon Wheel 900)   Gaylon Shull
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 2

4 ladies will chain 3/4 around the ring
Turn the girl and circle left you know
Girls roll away and circle left that way
Left allemande and weave the ring
Weave in, weave out, and when you meet your maid
Dosado and then you promenade
Living on Love Street, and loving every minute of it

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

The heads curlique, and the boys run right
Dosado around the corner tonight
Swing thru and then the boys run right again
Bend the line and do a right & left thru
A flutter wheel, then full around you go
Slide thru, swing your corner and promenade
Living on Love Street, and loving every minute of it


Sides face, grand parade
I spend my day in the usual way, thinking about you
It gives me time to straighten up in my mind
The things that we can do
Walk on a beach, or sit on a hill, or listen to our favorite hit
Living on Love Street, and loving every minute of it

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