Land Of My Dreams
  (Top 25008)   Curly Custer
one column


Allemande left to a daisy chain, go forward two, go right & left
Turn on back, a right hand the corner girl
Go forward two, go left and right and turn back now
Left hand around the corner girl, go forward two
Go right & left and turn on back, right hand around the corner
Go forward two, go left and right and promenade
Promenade around and swing now in the land of my dreams

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 7, corner progression

Head 2 couples forward up to the middle and back with you
Then star thru, pass thru, right & left thru with the outside two
Turn your girl and dive thru, star thru, pass thru
Around one, come into the middle and do the right & left thru
Face those two, pass thru, swing the corner girl
Allemande left new corner, come on back, promenade
Promenade around and sing now in the land of my dreams

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