I Love You Better Than I Did Then
Statler Brothers 1980
  (Bogan 1327)   Tim Ploch
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

4 ladies promenade, it's once inside the ring
Gonna get on back and swing there with your man
Join your hands, circle left, go full around that ring
When you get back home, sides face grand square
Do you ever think of me and all the nights that we wasted
And can't get back again
But if we ever do, honey, I promise you
I'll even love you better than I did then

FIGURE    Plus, corner progression

Those heads (sides) square thru 4 hands around you know
Around the corner do a dosado
Swing thru and then girls fold, peel the top
Boys walk up and do the right & left thru
Flutter wheel on around, sweep 1/4 too
Swing the corner and promenade her home
But if we ever do, honey, I promise you
I'll even love you better than I did then


Circle left
*When you go for a walk in the leaves when it's cold
Or lay when it's warm in the sun

Left allemande that corner, come back and dosado
Men star by the left, it's once you go
You'll turn thru at home, then you go left allemande
Swing your lady and then you'll promenade her home
But if we ever do, honey, I promise you
I'll even love you better than I did then


*When you're lying there in bed late at night and all alone
With nothing on but the radio

FIGURE (ALTERNATE)    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads square thru, dosado
Swing thru, spin the top
Right & left thru, flutter wheel, sweep 1/4
Swing and promenade

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=5642
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=5642
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=2269