Rolly Poly
  (Longhorn 130)   Jim Horn
one column


Bow and swing with your partner, sashay round your corner
Come back home and swing your little doll
Now the men star left, girls backtrack the outside
Turn 'em with the right and promenade
Now the 1st and 3rd wheel around, right & left thru and turn around
Cross trail back and corners allemande
Come back and swing your partner, promenade that circle
I'll bet you're gonna swing at home that way

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Now the head (side) two couples lead to the right and circle
Make your line, go forward up and back
Well you pass on thru, California twirl with your partner
Right & left thru the other way across the track
Now you pass on thru and bend the line, cross trail thru, you're doing fine
Left allemande, meet your own with a dosado
Now you box the flea with corner, promenade this lady
I'll bet you're gonna swing at home that way


I'll bet you're gonna swing at home that way

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