Yes - Yes
  (Windsor 4890)   Bill Snailum
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Mainstream

All 4 ladies promenade go round inside the ring
Come on home and swing your man, swing and you swing
Allemande left alamo style, balance there and then
Swing thru down the line, balance once again
Swing thru one more time and then turn thru
Left allemande your corner, weave the ring you do
Weave in and out around until you meet
Now promenade your lady walkin' down the street
Why do they always say no
When all they mean is yes, yes

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 11, corner progression

1 & 3 up to the middle and come on back with you
Square thru 4 hands, go to that outside two
Dosado you do, that's full around my friend
Swing thru 2 by 2, boys trade and then
Box the gnat, do the right & left thru
Dive thru, square thru 3 hands
Swing that corner lady go, left allemande
Come back one and promenade around the land
Why do they always say no
When all they mean is yes, yes

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