Somebody's Pushing
  (Kalox 1010)   C.O. Guest
one column


Allemande left and the gentlemen star 3/4 round from where you are
Turn your partner left like an allemande thar
Gents back in a right hand star and back along backwards where you are
Shoot that star go all the way around, slip the clutch
Allemande left your corner and a grand old right & left
Hand over hand till you meet your maid, take her hand and promenade
Somebody's pushing, somebody's pushing
Somebody's always pushing me

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

1 & 3 (2 & 4) you lead to the right, circle up 4, you make that line
Without a stop you do a right & left thru
Then circle 4 on the side of the floor, go once around and then no more
Cross trail thru and swing that corner gal
The 4 little ladies promenade go once around the ring
Box the gnat and promenade, promenade go around the ring
Somebody's pushing, somebody's pushing
Somebody's always pushing me

Data page:
Cue sheet: