  (MacGregor 1025)   Bob Van Antwerp
one column


1 & 3 swing star thru*
Circle 4, heads break to a line of 4
Swing star thru, center 2 pass thru
Centers in, cast off 3/4
Star thru, centers swing star thru
Same 4 California twirl
Others cross trail, left allemande


2 & 4 swing star thru
Right & left thru the outside two
Then swing star thru, bend the line
Cross trail, left allemande


1 & 3 square thru 4 hands
To the sides and swing star thru
Forward out and back and cast off 3/4
Swing star thru, centers pass thru
Cloverleaf, double pass thru
First couple left, next go right
Star thru, swing star thru
Bend the line, star thru
Left allemande


2 & 4 swing star thru
Circle 4, sides break to a line of 4
Swing star thru, center 2 pass thru
Centers in and cast off 3/4
Star thru, centers swing star thru
Same 4, California twirl
Others cross trail, left allemande


Promenade, 1 & 3 wheel around
2 ladies chain, same couples star thru
Dive thru, right & left thru
Those in the middle u-turn back
Dosado to an ocean wave
Swing thru, right & left grand

*Swing star thru (by Doug Rieck): From an ocean wave position with ladies in the center. Swing 1/2 by the right, men in center swing 1/2 by the left, then star thru with girl they face (or you can walk straight into it without an ocean wave).

April, 1964.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=5337
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=5337