Falling Again
  (Bee Sharp 116)   Perry Bergh
one column


4 ladies promenade, go once around you know
Come on back & swing, swing the man you know
Join hands circle, go walking round the ring
Left allemande that corner lady, then you weave the ring
Well heaven help me, here I go again
Dosado the partner, hey promenade my friend
Just get over one heartache and then
Here I go, like a fool, falling again

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Head (side) couples square thru 4 hands around you know
With those sides (heads) star by the right, roll it once you know
Heads star by the left hand & turn it, turn it there
Same two go right & left thru, turn the lady fair
Swing thru & then swing thru again
Swing with the corner, then promenade my friend
Just get over one heartache and then
Here I go, like a fool, falling again

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=5282
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=5282