Tell It To Your Teddy Bear
The Shooters 1987
  (C Bar C 580)   Jim Young
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
*True love is better than fiction
Action is better than wishing

Left allemande and do a dosado
Allemande left with the corner, you're gonna weave that ring you know
**When love talks you ought to be listening
Dosado and you promenade that ring
I'm gonna get you
You can tell it to your Teddy Bear


*Midnight - I bet you're whispering
All night - you're sitting there with him

**One night - you're gonna end up wishing

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Head two couples promenade halfway around you go
Walk into the middle with a right & left thru and turn that girl and go
Square thru and count me four, four hands around you know
Dosado around the corner go
Swing thru, the boys trade, you turn thru and then
Left allemande and you promenade my friend
I'm gonna get you
You can tell it to your Teddy Bear


I'm gonna get you
You can tell it to your Teddy Bear

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