Sing A Little Sunshine Song
Roger Miller 1967
  (MacGregor 2019)   Tommy Stoye
one column

FIGURE (4 times through)    A1, unknown progression

All 4 ladies chain, the heads promenade halfway
Sides do a right & left thru
All 4 couples promenade halfway around you do
Heads do a right & left thru
Same 4 cross trail and go to the corner, dosado and then
You're going to swing thru, rock it up and back
The girls circulate and star thru and then a frontier whirl
Then cross trail thru to the corner go, left allemande that corner
And weave the ring, move in and out until you find your own
Do a dosado and then the men star left hand
Star promenade her, keep rolling along, back out a full turn
And circle around, left allemande the corner and then a dosado
Left allemande your corner, come back and promenade
You're walking in the sunshine
And sing a little sunshine song

Contains a "blended" movement: Circulate (RH Waves) followed by Star Thru.

Data page:
Cue sheet: