There's A Rainbow Round Your Shoulder
Al Jolson 1928
  (MacGregor 1024)   Fenton Jones
one column

BREAK    C4, R-H lady progression

Allemande left, the ladies star, the gentlemen promenade
Allemande left the gentlemen star, the girls you'll promenade
Left allemande your corner, wagon wheel your own
Spin her boys, star promenade around the ring you'll roam
The girls backtrack, here we go
Twice around the ring you'll roam
Second time you meet your maid
Let's dosado, then promenade
There's a rainbow round my shoulder
And the skies of blue above
Now you're home, balance out
Swing the gal you love

FIGURE    C1, unknown progression

1 & 3 lead to the right, circle down the track
Head gents break, lines of 4, go forward up and back
Pass thru, wheel & deal, substitute my friend
The inside two a right & left thru
A full turn round and then
Eight chain 4, here we go
Walk upon your heel and toe
When you're straight, swing and whirl
Let's promenade a brand new girl
Promenade 'em 2 by 2 around this big old ring
Now you're home, balance out, everybody swing

April 1964.

Data page:
Cue sheet: