Lucky Star
  (Top 25082)   Dick Jones
one column


Allemande left, girls star right, men promenade, same corner
Allemande left, men star right, girls promenade, same corner
Allemande left, your corner girl, and grand right & left
Go round the set, meet your lady down the line
Box the gnat, girls star left one time you go
Box the gnat and dosado then promeno
You promenade and take her home, swing you see
She is your lucky star


Heads to the middle and back, do the right & left thru
Turn your girl, pass thru, turn left you do
Sides pass thru, left hand star, one full turn you know
Men to the middle with a right hand star, girls promenade the outside go
Pass them once, second time, you turn her left full turn
Your corner swing, then promenade
Take this little lady home, hold her tight, don't let her roam
She is your lucky star


Bow to your partner, corner too, and there you are

Uses traditional Triple Allemande choreography.

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Cue sheet: