Stairway To Paradise
  (Grenn 12064)   Earl Johnston
one column


Allemande left go down the lane, right & left a full turn
4 ladies want to chain, whirlaway a 1/2 sashay
And circle left that way, travel round the ring
Allemande left that corner and weave around the ring
In and out you go, meet the girl and promenade
I'm gonna build me a Stairway to Paradise
And take you right along

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

4 ladies chain 3/4 round, the sides turn twice around
Heads do a right & left thru
Now the sides cross trail, do a left allemande
Grand right & left with you
Oh you meet the girl, you dosado, it's one time around
Left allemande the corner, come back and promenade
I'm gonna build me a Stairway to Paradise
And take you right along

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