Oh Johnny
Ella Fitzgerald 1917
  (Hi Hat 314)   Joel Kadish
one column


Walk around your corner girl then swing with your maid
The men all star left, find your girl, star promenade
Put your arm around that girl, I say
You can back right out, a full turn, chain the girls across I
You turn that pretty miss, then you chain her back home
Turn her left, then you roll promenade
Take that girl home I say, there you swing and you sway
Singing, "Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh"

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Now the head 2 ladies chain and you turn her you do
The same 2 will swing thru and then you star thru
With the outside two do a right & left thru
You turn a girl and dive thru, star thru, then cross trail thru
U-turn back, star thru, pass thru and swing
Swing that girl then promenade
*Well you might steal a kiss, go home swing that miss
Singing, "Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh"


*Hey, all wink your eye, go home swing that guy

*All smile and say, "How are you today?"

*Bend over, kiss her cheek, golly ain't that sweet


She says, "Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh, oh, oh, oh, ... oh!"

January 1965. Contains a "blended" movement: Swing Thru followed by Star Thru.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=4829
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=4829
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=607