Partner That Nobody Chose
  (Blue Star 2160)   Marshall Flippo
one column

OPENER    Mainstream

Why don't you join up hands, circle to the left go movin' round the ring now
Reverse trail and walk in single file
And now the girls back track and then when you meet her turn thru
Left allemande then weave around that ring
Now she's a melody in search of the words I love you
Swing that gal, promenade you know
She's a light in the night with nowhere to shine
She's a partner that nobody chose

FIGURE    Mainstream - SSD Week 7, unknown progression

Why don't those heads go right & left thru, you turn there with your lady
Slide thru, then pass thru, star thru you know
Pass thru, do a wheel & deal, a double pass thru
First 2 left, the next 2 right, go right & left thru
Why don't you slide thru and swing, oh you swing the corner lady
You promenade go round you know
She's a light in the night with nowhere to shine
She's a partner that nobody chose


Heads star the route, go
She's tried and she's tried and she's tried to keep on trying
Everything she tried fell apart
She's loved and she's loved and she'd love to keep on loving
But every man she loved broke her heart

Circle left
She's a melody in search of the words I love you
Left allemande then you promenade you know
She's a light in the night with nowhere to shine
She's a partner that nobody chose


Sides star the route
She's fallen and stumbled and stumbled and fallen
But no one picked her up when she fell
She stood up with hopes up that someone would show up
And some day you never can tell

Circle left
She's a melody in search of the words I love you
Left allemande, promenade you know
She's a light in the night with nowhere to shine
She's a partner that nobody chose

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Cue sheet: