Say Si Si
  (FTC 32023)   Harold Bausch
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
In Spain they say si si
In France you'll hear wee wee

Left allemande your corner, at home dosado
Men star left, it's once around you go
Turn partner by the right, and you go left allemande
Come back, promenade, go walkin' round the land
Won't you listen to my plea, say yes my darling to me
When will you say si si

FIGURE    Plus, corner progression

Head couples promenade, go 1/2 around that ring
Lead right, circle 4, break out and hear me sing
Lines of 4 pass thru, partner trade and roll
Grand right & left go walking round the world
When you meet that lovely lady, turn a right hand round your own
Swing corner lady and promenade her home
Won't you listen to my plea, say yes my darling to me
When will you say si si


Sides face, grand square
In Spain they say si si
In France you'll hear wee wee
Every little Dutch girl says ya ya
Every little Russian says da da

Left allemande your corner
At home a dosado
Allemande your corner, and then you promeno
Won't you listen to my plea, say yes my darling to me
When will you say si si

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