Back To Louisiana
  (Lightning S 8001)   Henry Thompson
one column

OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER    Mainstream, corner progression

Join hands and circle to the left round that ring
Left allemande, turn the partner right hand swing
Men star left now one time around, turn thru
Left allemande and weave the ring
She used to live in Shreveport and then she moved
Dosado that gal and promenade her, too.
I'm gonna look her up if you know what I mean
If I have to go all the way down to New Orleans

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

Heads promenade halfway round that ring
Sides go right & left thru, turn that Jane
Cross trail thru, round one, make a line, go up and back
Go right & left thru
Square the barge 4 hands around I sing
Swing that corner girl, promenade for me
You promenade her home, if you know what I mean
If you have to go down to New Orleans


I'm going back to Louisiana
To that girl I left behind

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