Papa Loved Mama
Garth Brooks 1991
  (Ozark Productions 10)   Carl Kaye
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
Papa drove a truck nearly all his life
You know it drove mama crazy being a trucker's wife
The part she couldn't handle was the being alone
I guess she needed more to hold than just a telephone

4 ladies chain, roll promenade
Papa asked her how she was and if us kids were all right
Chain the ladies back, you turn that girl and swing
When daddy'd hang up she was gone again

FIGURE (1,4)    Basic, corner progression

Heads pass thru, separate and go round one
Make a line of 4
Everybody trade, wheel & deal, all face right
You promenade the land, and swing your girl tonight

FIGURE (2,3)   

Well, the heads square thru 2 hands around
Swing thru and the boys run right
With a dozen roses, ride the ferris wheel
Do a double pass thru,
first couple go left and the next go left,
up and down the hall
All face left, zoom, that's all
Girls trade, swing and promenade
Papa fired it up and headed into town

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
Mama was a looker, Lord, how she shined
Papa was a good'n but the jealous kind

Left allemande, promenade
Mama loved men
Mama's in the graveyard, papa's in the pen


CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
Well, the picture in the paper showed the scene real well
Papa's rig was buried in the local motel

Left allemande, weave the ring
Real clear
He never hit the brakes and he was shifting gears

Promenade, swing

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