Square Dance Sweetheart / Oh, You Beautiful Doll
  (Windsor 4181 side A)   Al Brundage
one column


Swing your honey round and round, allemande left as you come down
Then you weave 'em in and out around that ring
Well weave it on around that track, meet your partner box the gnat
Box it back, change hands, hey dopaso
Partner left, corner right, partner left don't take all night
Go back and dosado that corner girl
Turn left hand round your own, promenade that same girl home
You got that square dance sweetheart of mine


1 & 3 swing and sway, 2 & 4 a 1/2 sashay
Head 2 couples pass thru and go round 1
Now 4 in line go up and back, forward again and box the gnat
Right & left thru and turn 'em twice around
Dixie chain with all your might, girls go left, the gents go right
Corners swing then promenade the ring
Promenade go round the set, take her home and you can bet
You got that square dance sweetheart of mine

Windsor #4181 is a double-sided instrumental. Windsor #4481 is a double-sided called singer. Copyright 1960.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=4220
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=4220