I'm Goin Back To Whur I Come From
Carson Robison; Spike Jones & His City Slickers; June Carter; others 1944
  (Sashay 103)   Jack May
one column


All join hands, circle left around the ring go
Partner left a dopaso, you turn your corner by the right
Partner left, an allemande thar, the girls back in and star
All the girls back into the middle and there ya got a right hand star
Shoot that star, slip the clutch, left allemande now
Grand old right and left around the set and when you meet your partner
Promenade back to whur you come from
Whur the mockin' bird's a singing in the lilac bush

FIGURE    C1, no progression

Head ladies chain, you turn that gal and then
Lead to the right, you circle 4 then break right out and ya got a line
Go forward up to the middle and back
Then you pass thru, wheel & deal, substitute, center 2 pass thru and then
Left allemande, dosado your partner
Go swing the corner lady, then you allemande left new corner
Come on back, promenade to whur you come from
Whur the mockin' bird's a singing in the lilac bush

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 7, corner progression

Heads promenade halfway round you go
Star thru, pass thru,
Split the outside round just one
Make a line of 4, go forward up and back
Star thru, u-turn back, the inside arch dive thru
Square thru 3/4 then swing the one you meet
Allemande left new corner, come on back and promenade the ring
I'm goin' back to whur I come from
Whur the mockin' bird's a singing in the lilac bush

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=4192
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=4192
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=2531