It's Almost Like Being In Love
  (Windsor 4829)   Dave Taylor
one column


Allemande left that corner girl, walk right by your own
Swing the next little girl, left allemande
Come back one and promenade, go walkin' with your maid
Don't stop & don't you dare slow down
Heads wheel around and you square thru 4 hands round
And pull the next one by
Allemande left but only one, promenade
Square dancin's fun
It's almost like being in love

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Heads square thru 4 hands that's all you do
To the outside two dosado all the way around
Swing thru without a stop, it's up and back you rock
Swing thru and rock it up and back
Cross trail, u-turn back and corner swing
Left allemande and promenade the ring
*Promenade this lovely miss, she may even steal a kiss
It's almost like being in love


*Promenade go round the square, spring is in the air

*Promenade go round the ring, ah! it's really spring

*Promenade and head for home, thank your stars you've found your own

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Cue sheet: