Big T Water
Michael Parks 1969
  (Top 25228)   Reath Blickenderfer
one column


Allemande left with the corner, at home box the gnat
Girls star by the left, men promenade around like that
Meet your girl, right hand swing
Go all the way around and then
Allemande with the corner, weave the ring
Big T water, down the mountain and to the plain
Dosado and then you all promenade
Sunshine and water make the crops grow fine
Big T water keep a rolling down the line

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Head 2 couples cross trail thru, around just one you go
Squeeze in, make a line of 4, go up to the middle and back you know
Pass thru, wheel & deal, double pass thru
First couple go left, next go right, star thru you do
Dive thru, pass thru, the corner lady swing
Allemande new corner girl, promenade go round the ring
Sunshine and water make the crops grow fine
Big T water keep a rolling down the line

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Cue sheet: