Hawaiian Style
  (MacGregor 941)   Fenton Jones
one column


4 little ladies promenade
Hula style, hips a-swayin'
Home now, swing and you sway
Join hands, circle to the left
Hey, turn your corners under
Swing with a brand new hula maid
Allemande left, say hi, dee, hi
Pass that pretty girl right on by
Take the next girl, promenade and say
Promenade across the miles
Hula maids and pretty smiles
Swing in that old Hawaiian style


1 & 3 lead to the right
Circle up 4 with all your might
One full turn, the same 2 ladies chain
Turn those girls, don't you blunder
The inside arch, the outside under
Square thru 3/4 round that ring
Split those 2, face your corner
Allemande left, don't step on her
Wagon wheel, spin the next girl, promenade
*Promenade 'em, home you go
Swing that gal in calico
Swing 'er in that old Hawaiian way


*Promenade this honey bee
Along the sands at Waikiki

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=3909
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=3909