On A Good Night
  (Circle D 277)   Andy Petrere
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
On a good night I can hop in my truck
Round up my friends and with any kind of luck

Men star right go movin round you do
Allemande that corner and you weave
On a good night, I could swing my girl
Swing and promenade her too
But on a real good night I need a woman like you

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

You heads (sides) promenade halfway around
Square thru go four, go all the way around
Then right & left thru, pass thru, trade by
Swing thru, boys trade and swing
Swing and promenade her too
But on a real good night I need a woman like you

FIGURE (ALTERNATE)    Plus, corner progression

Heads (sides) square thru four hands and then
Dosado to a wave, swing thru and roll
Boys pass thru, touch 1/4
*Scoot back, scoot back again, swing
But on a real good night I need a woman like you


*Scoot back, boys run once and 1/2, swing


Sides face, grand square
**On a good night I could drive to the lake
Turn on the radio and find George Strait
And go play a little game of eight ball pool

Allemande left that corner and you weave
On a good night I could swing my girl
All of my dreams come true
But on a real good night I need a woman like you


**On a good night I can hop in my truck
Round up my friends and with any kind of luck
Wind up howlin at the Harvest Moon

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=3314
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=3314