Three Times Loser
  (A Bar K 102)   David Tausworthe
one column


Circle left
*I remember when I was back in school
The teachers always wanted me to learn the rules

Do an allemande left the corner, dosado now
Left allemande and weave the ring
**I was studying girls on Friday night
Swing that girl and promenade so right
First time love I was too young
Second time I was left holding on
Three times a loser will never learn

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Heads promenade halfway round
Down the middle, square thru go 4
Go all the way and do the right & left thru now
Veer to the left and then ferris wheel
Square thru go 3 hands around now
Swing that corner and all promenade
First time love I was too young
Second time I was left holding on
Three times a loser will never learn


*I grew up and I thought that things would change
I got more mature but I guess we stay the same

**I still believe in the starry nights

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
Been down one time, been down two times
Been down three times, burn
First time a loser, second time a user
Third time you'd think that I would learn

Allemande and weave
Been down one time, been down two times
Been down three times, burn
First time a loser, second time a user
Third time you'd think that I would learn


But I won't learn

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